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Partnership With The HOLY SPIRIT - series 1

Updated: Jul 14

I don’t know when God will release me to post this piece. As I am still learning who is this Holy Spirit? Is he actually a real person??? I hear others make mentioned of him all the time in church services but is he actually a real person with emotions and a will?

My curiosity to understand this ignited a few months ago when I started to feel like my own strength was failing me. At the time I didn’t realize it was my strength I was living basing my walk with the Lord on. Until it failed, I then knew I needed something better, this can’t be what it means to truly enjoy salvation.

There as to be more to walking with Jesus than this. The miracles, the signs and the wonders! Where is the power of God demonstrating amongst his people? Do you see it? Can someone enlighten my darkness because maybe there is something I am misunderstanding.

Where is the manifestations of the God of the Bible? Does this concern you too?

As I pondered on what’s it like to see the Bible manifest in my life. To do the greater works Jesus promised me that I could do. Knowing that I asked God earnestly to not allow me to be an ordinary Christian as I know I could not last in this race called life and especially in this end time

As these things play in my thoughts ever so often, one night the Lord took my spirit to answer my questions.

Few months ago, the Lord revealed to me in a vision that he is longing for us to allow the Holy Spirit to work in our midst. He showed me how we were hindering his Spirit from doing that which he came to do. I posted a video on my TikTok here:

This left me in even more deep concern, I wanted to know what was the Lord trying to tell us. What does the Lord really means, when he said “move out of my way.” As I ponder in my heart these things. I began to look into the scripture that Jesus said he promised to send us a helper. He said “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:18-26)”

But who is this Holy Spirit and how can I partner with him?

The Bible let’s us know that The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus Christ. He is the all powerful invisible God that is here in the earth to finish the final dispensation of God’s will for man. He is the third person in the God head. I say third because he is the third and final manifestation of the mercies of God unto us. The Holy Spirit is the final opportunity that God is giving man to repent. After he is taken from the earth, then the end will come.

“And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. (Matthew 3:16-17 KJV)”

I decided to set on a journey of investing what this means. I started to put these scriptures I have read about his purpose into practice. Since the Bible tells us he has come to help

I started to ask him more for help.

For example, I can recall on my second day of a fast. I felt like I had run miles in prayer and praises. Have you ever been there where you feel like you can’t find the words to pray because you have exhausted all the things you know how to say to God?

That moment, I decide to rest and allow the Holy Spirit to work in me. I addressed him by his title I said, “Holy Spirit, I want you to give me the songs, the scriptures and the prayers I need today.” To my surprise, immediately I felt like a heaviness left me. It’s like I was sailing in the ocean or soaring with eagles. For the entire fast, it felt so easy! I was filled within. I was in awe the entire time of the fast because I couldn’t believe how easy it was to flow through this fast in comparison to the day or times before when I fasted and felt like I was doing it all by myself.

Another time I remember I started praying and I felt like I was fighting in the atmosphere. I felt blockage as though my prayers were not being heard. I stopped and again, I asked the him to help me. This time I said “ Holy Spirit, what I’m I doing? How do I know this is what you intended me to do? I said have your way Lord. Immediately, I broke out into worship and my heart was filled with the joy of the Lord as I worship him. I felt an instant connection and felt aligned with what he needed from me in that moment in praises, tears and thanks giving. I felt CONNECTED!

As I am writing this, I can feel the richness of his presence in my soul. I think he is happy that I’m sharing this with you. He, the Holy Spirit that is, wants us to know him better. He wants us to rest in his strength knowing that he is here to help and he wants to help. He is longing to do his work, to have us enjoying the work of the cross. The hard part is already settled on the cross 2000 years ago. Now it’s time for rest.

The Lord wants us to let go and let him. Let go of the fear and trust in his promises. Let go of anxiety, self, our own will and desires and allow him to perfect his work.

Salvation is beautiful but are you enjoying that beauty to its fullness? Are we really living the abundant life Christ died to give us? Do we understand what it means to let go and truly let God work? We are not the prodigal son anymore. We don’t have to live or eat amongst the swine. We don’t have to settle for less than what we are worth.

It’s time to come to our senses and understand that the earth is our God’s and the fullness thereof. He said, ask of me and I will give it all to you. “Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. (Psalms 2:8 KJV)”

All we have to do is ask, ask the Holy Spirit! He is so excited for you to ask him. He wants to help.. I always thought how hard it is to make it in heaven. I’ve come to realize it is hard if we don’t understand what it means to be courageous. You see, Joshua felt like he was incapable of leading Isreal in the promise land. But God told him I have given the promise to you and isreal and all I’m asking of you is to be strong and courageous. Just like Joshua God is telling the Lord Jesus is telling us, I have already given you the promise 2,000 years ago!

To be courageous means to not diver from pain, don’t run from adversity. Face them with understanding that tough times build character and gives you wisdom. Salvation is hard when we don’t rely on God to resist temptations BUT salvation is even harder when we don’t let the Holy Spirit do in our lives what he was sent to do.

I will investigate this case deeper and come back to you with more of this series of partnering with the Holy Spirit. Put what I have told you to the test. Start practicing to ask the Holy Spirit for help. Pray earnestly against everything that can hinder his work in your life. He wants you to be rich in health, wisdom, wealth and every area of your life.

Again, I ask you this question - who is the Holy Spirit? Do you know him? Are you partnered with him? Not just in baptism but by allowing him to demonstrating the power of God your life.

THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE POWER OF GOD sent here to perfect our character in Christ.

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